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28 juny 2019 |
Cinquè debat del XI Col·loqui Internacional Problemes i Mètodes de la Història de la Llengua: La llengua desitjada |
Kalezič, Maja
; Mascarella, Jordi
27 juny 2016 |
Is “language globalization” silent but dynamic process of the plastic transformation of inner language diversity into its disadvantages? |
Kalezič, Maja
25 juny 2013 |
The role of narrative in shaping the semantic structure of certain expressions that belong to terminology as to one of the most important lexical groups |
Kalezič, Maja
28 juny 2019 |
Serbian on the crossroad of language identification:standardizing, re-vernacularizing or marginalizing vernacular? |
Kalezič, Maja
27 juny 2016 |
Torn de preguntes i debat |
Massip, Maria Àngels
; Feliu, Francesc
; Araya, Johan
; Kalezič, Maja